I was introduced to Barbara Kingsolver today. I'm sorry it took this long.
How about this instead...
What ever you call them; truisms, mores, rules to live by, golden rules, the feeling is the same. These are simple guidelines. They can be followed easily, but not without courage, strength and the ability to see beyond yourself, for the good of all.All laws must be based on a set of values that work for individuals and large societies.
I used to write stories. I haven't had the desire to write in quite a while, but I feel it starting to come back. Hopefully these won't be the last ones I'll write.
The .Net Foundation has just released an open source version of Open Live Writer. I used to use the desktop version of Live writer quite a lot – especially when I was writing The Nog.This blog is a test of the new tool – to see how versatile it is and what I can do with it.
Getting into a writing habit is always tough. So tough, that my brain will always find ways to keep me from writing. Just watch another show - go see what's in the frig! Why do we do this to ourselves?